There are many rumors flying about an American live-action version of one of my favorite animes, Death Note. The show is about a 17 year-old boy named Light Yagami, who finds a notebook dropped by a shinigami (death god) named Ryuk. This notebook, called a Death Note, can kill people just by writing d

own their names and thinking of their faces. Light starts using the Death Note to kill off all of the criminals in the world, planning to then become the god of it. Since the default death from the Death Note, unless written down otherwise, is a heart attack, the police notice, and try to find out who this killer that people call "Kira" is, led by the #1 detective in the world, L. The show is very addictive (I finished it in a week) and one of the most brilliant anime series I have ever seen. Anyways, one of the big rumors going around is that Zac Efron will be playing Light, and a lot of the Death Note fans are freaking out. When I first heard about it, I did too. But, after saying it out loud to my dad, I realized that it could work. For one thing, the roles he has played in the past don't prove that he can't play a more serious one. And besides, the roles he played are very similar to the person everyone else in the show still considers him to be, the nice student who is very popular with girls. Now his roles weren't really honor students, but they weren't dumb, either. The part of hon

or-student Light should be quite easy for him. But it's the part of Kira that would be new to him. But he can't be in light-hearted tween movies forever! And besides, the point of the story is to show how a really good guy could become a horrible serial killer. Light should be played by someone who is always seen as playing the "good kid" roles, since it would make the message more meaningful. Zac Efron seems like he has a lot of talent, and I believe he could do a great job as Light Yagami/Kira. Just because actors normally play Disney roles doesn't mean they can't play serious roles, too! If he is cast in this movie, it would be a great way to show that he has a wider range, if he does have one. And hey, if the movie sucks, as much as I really really want there to be a good one, just like I hope all of the other planned movies based on animes are good, at least we've still got the anime and manga!
But L better be amazing, because if he isn't,
then I'll be mad.
Hey Zgirl
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r u kidding me?!? i love deathnote and u claim 2 as well but u think ZAC EFRON can play Kira?!? when did you lose your mind? there is no way that bad actor could ever play the role of ,my "god" Light Yagami!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAKA!
You are putting me off to start seeing Deathnote......It is scandelous!Zac Efron can never play Light Yagami!!!!Light is a different , mysterious character and cannot be played by a chocolate hero like Efron!
i want an asian actor to play light, i think it would be the bestxd
not like DBZ where son goku is not an asian:DDD
Zac Efron is a person who wants to fit in but he can't fuck Zac if he wants to play Light Yagami, I won't watch it if Zac efron is in the movie in anyway, shape or form.
You're kidding. Zac Efron had to be in those pictures by coincidence! Otherwise the tie in the first pic wouldn't have stripes! It's in fact easier to find a plain one! Zac Efron could never play Light! He'd be terrible! No offense.
omfg!!!! zac effron! he fucking sucks cow nipples!!! i hate him NO. i will not pay to see this shit! never! holywood is killing our japie culture! -.-
Zac doesn't have a smart look.
Light is so tall, cute, and smart, mysterious, so smexy!!!
Zac Efron == NOT.
NOOO DX that would just ruin it completely, he's an alright actor but he couldn't play Light in a million years!
Zac Efron as Light Yagami sounds completely ridiculous, only because of the reputation he's made for himself as a teenage heart throb. But to be completely honest, i kind of agree with what you're trying to say. We've only seen Efron acting in roles he's been told to act in. I'm keen to see if Zac can pull off the dark, evil genius persona of Kira. Good luck, Mr. Efron. Don't let us DeathNote fans down, eh? =]
NO WAY! There is NO place for him to play as THE GOD of the NEW WORLD
*writes zac effron's name in the
Death Note*
Done, let's see what happens.
As i well know the asians already made an amazing live action version of death note and the author is not allowing rights for any more movies to be put into every one take a sigh of relief because zach efron WILL NOT be playing light yagami.
Geez, so many people are THAT pissed about this? C'mon, Efron's not that bad, really.
This is not to say I'm a fan of HSM or, *gag*, think of him as a "heart throb*. I'm a huge fan of Death Note and think that, if Light is a villain, then he's the most kickass villain of all time. I'm also very doubtful Zac can pull that off.
BUT, writing his name in a Death Note? Saying he sucks (eww) cow nipples? My god, you people are almost as bad as all those twelve year old girls who obsess over HSM and Hannah Montana.
My point is, give the guy a chance. You can't just base his acting skills on a few Disney movies. Who knows? If this is true, maybe he'll do fine. Maybe he'll actually be able to pull off Light Yagami. I don't think he can do worse than the Japanese Live version, though. That had mediocre acting, at best.
OMFG!!!! Zac Efron can NEVER act as light Yagami(my baby). He so not freaking fit for Light. == I wish i could write his name on the Death Note book. DIE ZAC EFRON, DIE!! MUAHAHAHA!! >:D
oy people light is a boss!!! no typical high school musician can play him! he has a better chance as matsuda!
WTF!! Zac play Light!!!! You're a crazy idiot if you think that, maybe we should let Ashley Tisdale play Misa Amanae
zac efron?! no way, he doesn't seem to fit the role =.= sorry zac efron fans but i just don't think he can play the role of light yagami/kira..
who is this zac efron who doesnt suit as light yagami at all?
it is fake Zac Efron don´t and can´t play Light Yagami
holy crap, everyone has gone mad!! not only is it american but friggin faux music man is playing light! so stupid--OMFG HE'S WEARING LIGHT'S CLOTHES...
Misa says that Light shall not be played by Efron. Misa disagrees with it. These stupid directors had better cast someone else as Misa's hot man! <3 you, Light!
Efron's hair sucks!!
Efron can play as Light, I just think his reputation (horrible, horrible) has forever scarred our image of him. At least he's not L or I might gag.
LOL this is the most stupid thing i ever heard xD
wtf people, calm your asses down. if the rumors are true and you don't want to watch it because zac might be playing then shut the fuck up, quit whining, and don't watch the damn movie. i am a big death note fan but Hollywood needs to cast well-known actors for an American version if it is to sell out. geez people, it's not like the japanese live action one; that acting was so mediocre, at least zac is a good actor. honestly i'd love to see this movie if it is for real; i'd like to see how zac will try to be Light, plus it doesn't hurt that they look really similar
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