Thursday, June 26, 2008

Common Villain Characteristics

So, yesterday I saw the movie "Get Smart" (good movie by the way, though there is a man-on-man kiss and another scene that made me and my friends lose our appetites for a little while....................). When watching it, I started noticing some of the characteristics of the main villain. I then started thinking about common traits of many cheesy (and sometimes not cheesy) villains. Here is a list of some of them(of course, you can have some of these traits and be a very good person. Of course if you have all of these traits you can't be anything more than a decent person(just kidding)):
  • They have gray hair (this doesn't necessarily mean they are old, they just have gray hair).
  • If they don't have gray hair they are bald.
  • Or they would actually be bald, but would have a gray wig.
  • They will have a cat (usually the white fluffy kind).
  • They play an instrument (usually a piano, organ, or violin).
  • They like Ode to Joy and/or the song is played in the background when they do something evil and/or awesome.
  • They are billionaires for no adequately explored reason.
  • They wear a business suit.
  • If not a business suit, then a cool-looking cape.
  • They are very lazy.
  • They have a signature laugh.
  • They will swear vengeance if you scratch their face.
  • They are often said to be very brilliant, yet don't seem to understand that the easiest way to defeat the hero is to shoot them yourself, instead of sending a minion to do it, or standing there while they give a long speech about friendship.


Anonymous said...

i completely agree.
btw this is hayden

Emily Janice Card said...

"They are billionaires for no adequately explored reason." Amen! Do they have all that money because they are villains, or are they villains because they have all that money? And why don't they share some non-evil financial tips with the rest of us? Oh yeah ... because they are evil.