There are many rumors flying about an American live-action version of one of my favorite animes, Death Note. The show is about a 17 year-old boy named Light Yagami, who finds a notebook dropped by a shinigami (death god) named Ryuk. This notebook, called a Death Note, can kill people just by writing d

own their names and thinking of their faces. Light starts using the Death Note to kill off all of the criminals in the world, planning to then become the god of it. Since the default death from the Death Note, unless written down otherwise, is a heart attack, the police notice, and try to find out who this killer that people call "Kira" is, led by the #1 detective in the world, L. The show is very addictive (I finished it in a week) and one of the most brilliant anime series I have ever seen. Anyways, one of the big rumors going around is that Zac Efron will be playing Light, and a lot of the Death Note fans are freaking out. When I first heard about it, I did too. But, after saying it out loud to my dad, I realized that it could work. For one thing, the roles he has played in the past don't prove that he can't play a more serious one. And besides, the roles he played are very similar to the person everyone else in the show still considers him to be, the nice student who is very popular with girls. Now his roles weren't really honor students, but they weren't dumb, either. The part of hon

or-student Light should be quite easy for him. But it's the part of Kira that would be new to him. But he can't be in light-hearted tween movies forever! And besides, the point of the story is to show how a really good guy could become a horrible serial killer. Light should be played by someone who is always seen as playing the "good kid" roles, since it would make the message more meaningful. Zac Efron seems like he has a lot of talent, and I believe he could do a great job as Light Yagami/Kira. Just because actors normally play Disney roles doesn't mean they can't play serious roles, too! If he is cast in this movie, it would be a great way to show that he has a wider range, if he does have one. And hey, if the movie sucks, as much as I really really want there to be a good one, just like I hope all of the other planned movies based on animes are good, at least we've still got the anime and manga!
But L better be amazing, because if he isn't,
then I'll be mad.