Monday, November 10, 2008

Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid

(Disclaimer: This post is a JOKE. I am not necessarily a fan of the Twilight Saga, but I don't think of it as being anywhere CLOSE to being as bad as I write about it in the following post. Twilight will NOT kill you, unless someone throws it at you hard enough.)

This is one of the three new Entertainment Weekly collector's covers for the movie version of Twilight. The eyes in this picture are very creepy, and remind me of something, though I can't quite put my finger on it........................


That is all.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Zac Efron to Play Light Yagami???????

There are many rumors flying about an American live-action version of one of my favorite animes, Death Note. The show is about a 17 year-old boy named Light Yagami, who finds a notebook dropped by a shinigami (death god) named Ryuk. This notebook, called a Death Note, can kill people just by writing down their names and thinking of their faces. Light starts using the Death Note to kill off all of the criminals in the world, planning to then become the god of it. Since the default death from the Death Note, unless written down otherwise, is a heart attack, the police notice, and try to find out who this killer that people call "Kira" is, led by the #1 detective in the world, L. The show is very addictive (I finished it in a week) and one of the most brilliant anime series I have ever seen. Anyways, one of the big rumors going around is that Zac Efron will be playing Light, and a lot of the Death Note fans are freaking out. When I first heard about it, I did too. But, after saying it out loud to my dad, I realized that it could work. For one thing, the roles he has played in the past don't prove that he can't play a more serious one. And besides, the roles he played are very similar to the person everyone else in the show still considers him to be, the nice student who is very popular with girls. Now his roles weren't really honor students, but they weren't dumb, either. The part of honor-student Light should be quite easy for him. But it's the part of Kira that would be new to him. But he can't be in light-hearted tween movies forever! And besides, the point of the story is to show how a really good guy could become a horrible serial killer. Light should be played by someone who is always seen as playing the "good kid" roles, since it would make the message more meaningful. Zac Efron seems like he has a lot of talent, and I believe he could do a great job as Light Yagami/Kira. Just because actors normally play Disney roles doesn't mean they can't play serious roles, too! If he is cast in this movie, it would be a great way to show that he has a wider range, if he does have one. And hey, if the movie sucks, as much as I really really want there to be a good one, just like I hope all of the other planned movies based on animes are good, at least we've still got the anime and manga!
But L better be amazing, because if he isn't, then I'll be mad.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Common Villain Characteristics

So, yesterday I saw the movie "Get Smart" (good movie by the way, though there is a man-on-man kiss and another scene that made me and my friends lose our appetites for a little while....................). When watching it, I started noticing some of the characteristics of the main villain. I then started thinking about common traits of many cheesy (and sometimes not cheesy) villains. Here is a list of some of them(of course, you can have some of these traits and be a very good person. Of course if you have all of these traits you can't be anything more than a decent person(just kidding)):
  • They have gray hair (this doesn't necessarily mean they are old, they just have gray hair).
  • If they don't have gray hair they are bald.
  • Or they would actually be bald, but would have a gray wig.
  • They will have a cat (usually the white fluffy kind).
  • They play an instrument (usually a piano, organ, or violin).
  • They like Ode to Joy and/or the song is played in the background when they do something evil and/or awesome.
  • They are billionaires for no adequately explored reason.
  • They wear a business suit.
  • If not a business suit, then a cool-looking cape.
  • They are very lazy.
  • They have a signature laugh.
  • They will swear vengeance if you scratch their face.
  • They are often said to be very brilliant, yet don't seem to understand that the easiest way to defeat the hero is to shoot them yourself, instead of sending a minion to do it, or standing there while they give a long speech about friendship.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

High School Field Trip

For a field trip, the 8th grade went to tour a nearby high school that a majority of kids were going to (though I'm actually going to a local art high school instead). We first went to the auditorium and got to see some of the school groups perform. Then the principal spoke. One of the things she talked about was the athletics program, which apparently had "every sport you could name."

Sports I could name:
1. horse racing
2. race car driving
3. cricket
4. dueling
5. walking
6. tractor racing
7. Olympic Diving
8. deep sea diving
9. water skiing
10. Battle Royale

Man, I really wish I was going to that school because of the great variety of sports available.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Suing for Copyright Issues or to be a Bully?

Apparently, J.K. Rowling went to court to prevent a book called The Harry Potter Lexicon from being published. This book was only going to have 10,000 copies printed. Why would she bother to go to court to prevent this book from being published? She says she is also planning a Harry Potter encyclopedia, and thinks that she wouldn't have the heart to continue if the book is published, probably because she thinks it wouldn't sell well because another one exists. But that is just stupid. The Lexicon wouldn't have enough copies to become too popular. Besides, it would only help the sale of her encyclopedia. If people love that book, they would want another one. If they think the book is crap, they would buy hers expecting it to be better.
I also read that she teared up when she was on the stand. England would have a new lake if she saw the amount of unauthorized books and fanfiction about her series. J.K. is just selfish. She can't stand the thought of having someone else's name associated with her amazing series. I sure hope I don't get sued for using the HP word in this blog without J.K. Rowling's permission.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

MC Not Going to Prom

OK, I read this article on Aol Red saying that Miley Cyrus wasn't going to prom, since she would be filming her movie then. I understand that she wouldn't care if she went since she doesn't have a date, all of the guys would be intimidated by her, and all the girls would be jealous of her. She would have a miserable time. But the thing I am wondering about is the fact that Miley is 15. She would be either a freshman or sophomore! So why would she be worrying about prom, when she isn't even old enough! Maybe she skipped a few grades? I would think that it would be common knowledge if she skipped grades, since the paparazzi have practically released every other detail about her life. Maybe her high school is weird, and has a special sophomore prom. But then why is there an article about her missing her prom, if she has two more years to go to a prom? This is a question that can be answered like a Tootsie Pop ad: the world may never know.